Supersize Me
My fat brother (who loves to


I hope the tables are clean.

Where's the surgeon general's warning?

Any idea how many points Weight Watchers gives this entrée?

Can one get exhausted from eating?

The price of failure: leftovers for the next few days.

Sexual references during this course should be verboten.

"Now that's what I call 'Man Meat!'"

You just made the lady lose her appetite, Budd.
Those across the pond are not left out: check out the burgers from Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Pennsylvania.

Not a Photoshopped image.


The bun is the size of the sourdough loaf I take a week to consume.

This image adds a whole new dimension to "onion rings."

The Ye' Olde 96er Grand Challenger Burger. It has a 6 lbs (2.73 kg) beef patty, and another 5 lbs (2.28 kg) of garnishing.
For the saner — as well as the totally insane — the restaurant offers other burger sizes.
They even have challenges for the truly hungry, gluttonous, or demented.
No prizes awarded for correctly guessing where my brother is heading next :-D
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