
Qui tangit frangatur.

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A round peg in a world of square holes...

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Inferno Ed's post left me fuming:

Japanese Cardinal Stephen Fumio Hamao has rejected a call by Pope Benedict to learn Latin prayers and Gregorian chant as Euro-centric and "impossible for Asians"[ . . . ]

Sacramentum Caritatis (Sacrament of Love), the pope's new apostolic exhortation on the Eucharist. In that document, the pope speaks about Latin and suggests that Catholics learn some Latin prayers and Gregorian chants.

This is not a good idea, according to Cardinal Hamao, who taught Latin to the Emperor of Japan when he was crown prince. "It is impossible for Asians," he asserted. "Nobody knows Latin. Most priests don't study it, and they don't know it. That is European-centred. It is too much!"

Wow, all that from a sample size of one.
And the crown prince of Japan is representative of all Asians how?

We reportedly can't drive too, Your Eminence.
I mean, how can we see anything out of these slit-eyes?

Watch out when you are crossing the road, Your Eminence.

Ascendo tuum.*

[* = Up yours.]


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