Tooled around Fremantle today. Check out this really nice Ford Falcon GT! Also a spotted a very nice, fully restored, Jaguar E-type V12 in royal blue but it disappeared round the corner before I could whip out my camera.
It's easy to stay connected — if one so desires — these days.

Next stop: Warren's Ultra Fast Karts @ Barbagallo Raceway, Wanneroo. 57 km north.
These AUD$10,000 twin-engine babies have more power than Ivy — or, more accurately, my tummy — and can easily hit speeds in excess of 100 km/h (62.5 mph). Ivy regularly hit 64 mph (102.4 km/h) going down the straights on Black Mountain, Cupertino in the late 90s, but ah! I was young and foolish then. (Now I'm just foolish :-P )
Unlike the single-engine gokarts I driven in the US, these vehicles have a lot more torque, enabling one to zip up the hill.
Suiting up. The Auzzies are hardcore; it was raining and it was still a "Go." We found out real quickly that the suits are not water resistant. By the 15th lap, we were soaked, racing in the dark, and slipping in the rain. Woot! Quite a number of drivers spun out, or slid right off the track.

Satellite photo of Barbagallo Raceway (31°39'51"S 115°47'23"E).

We were doing this in the wet and at night! Woot!
1st heat (5 laps): 1st lap timing.
2nd heat (5 laps): 1st lap timing.
3rd heat (5 laps): 1st lap timing.
8th (1:22.325)
2nd (1:20.720)
16th (1:20.838 SPIN)
Overall 11th.
Incidents: Spun out once in 3rd heat.
19th (1:56.991)
19th (1:50.000)
18th (1:44.331)
Overall: 19th.
Incidents: none.
Special Awards: Best Gas Mileage Driver; Least Brake Wear Driver.
Ugh! Not exactly awards to brag about.
I get the Pinky GoKart Honors :-P
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