Form for Feelies

From a friend serving in a real military. (You know? The sort that has taken part, takes part, and will continue to take part in real armed conflict?)
Meanwhile, it has been almost a year, and news of a certain wayang / poseur army's overseas training camp — with a name that begins with the same letter as "wimp" and rhymes with "crybaby" — having burnt down in Australia still hasn't appeared on the newspapers of the world's 144th ranked country for press freedom.

The part about the press is win.
BEN: oh man, hahha awesome
RSS feeds rock
regulars are pissed
BEN: so I have offended regulars again
For a supposed tough military
they are remarkably soft and "feely"
I can see it now
"Wah wah wah!
Stop shooting!
Your bullets are hurting me!"
NIC: 'You're making me bleed!'
BEN: lolol
NIC: 'It hurts! Stop it!'
seriously i can picture kenny perreira from army daze doing it
BEN: "I am allergic to grass. Sand and mud has E. coli. Can we fight at the McDonald's playpen instead?"
NIC: hahahaha
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