Engrish IV
Or, continuing from Alexis' post, "Random Photo(s) of the Day:
The Singaporean version of this?
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Engrish III
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World-class eDUHcation

Apparently, on a certain island city-state, neither matriculation nor graduation has any effect on the grasp of the English language. (Hat tip: Ganga)

Also related, why spelling matters:
Swedish tourists miss island due to GPS typo
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
(07-28) 12:07 PDT ROME, Italy (AP) -- Officials say a Swedish couple looking for the pristine waters of the popular island of Capri ended some 400 miles (660 kilometers) away in the northern industrial town of Carpi after misspelling the destination on their car's GPS.
Angelo Giovannini, a spokesman for the Carpi town hall, near Modena, said Tuesday the couple drove into the main square last week and asked the local tourist office how to reach Capri's famed Blue Grotto sea cave.
Giovannini said "we thought they might mean a restaurant. Capri is an island, they did not even wonder why they didn't cross any bridge or take any boat."
He said the couple, who were not identified, arrived from Venice and later set off to their planned destination at the other end of the Italian peninsula.
Hahaha, cool! Glad you liked it...
I like the last pic. LoL.
Yo dude!
the last pic
LOL! I learned from the Woogy
Actually I thought the NTU "tomorow" (and NUS too now, it seems) spelling error was hilarious. Not to mention really sad in a way. *shakes head* But I didn't post anything about it because I signed *that* admissions document to uphold the good name of the uni and blabla.
And you meant learnT.
admissions document to uphold the good name of the uni...
WTH? That comes across as something like a non-disclosure (in this case, selective disclosure) document that's perpetual. Ouch.
And you meant learnT.
Hmm... Actually, that's quite contentious: some claim that both are substitutes for each other; others claim that Obamians are more likely to use the alternate form; and, yet others employ a rule of the thumb:
Usually, when forming the past tense of a verb, the -ed form is used, while the -t form is used mainly for adjectives, but not always.
Fun, isn't it?
In other news, looks like you won't get to ambush Feminist Mentos' Mini-Me in New York after all. And I was about to request a YouTube clip of the encounter too (for the gorgeous (she, of bursting wardrobe and tiny waist) pleinelune; the globetrotting popaghandi; the dappish Woogy; affable Vernon; the experimental chef Sam; and wannabe-troll me).
LoL @ language fun. And yes I am back in SG, you saw the IP huh, lol.
Thanks, Ben, I love these!
Hey Karen!
P.S. So I hear that "beer" is the latest / greatest / newest tactic (i.e. bar-stool diplomacy) in solving social problems at the White House :-P
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